Sunday, October 17, 2010

What has been and what will be

I`ve neglected this blog for a few months now and I think it is basically because I am doing so much Japanese (at work and study) that I have lost the motivation to spend time to write a post in Japanese. So I'm taking a break in English to catch up on what I`ve done so far and some future goals.

So since I have been living in Japan I have worked as

Landscape Architect Intern, Obihiro, Hokkaido

Lodge Assistant, Hakuba, Nagano-Ken

Landscape Gardener, Kumamoto, Kyushu

My next job starting in three weeks is as an apartment manager in Niseko, Hokkaido, for the winter season. I'm accumulating a variety of experiences and contacts throughout Japan and as my Japanese improves it is easier to find more opportunities. But where is this all leading? Not really sure at the moment so thought it might be time to set some more goals for my time in Japan.

1. Sell something.. not sure what but seems like a fun thing to try...drugs? hehe
2. Meet three influential Japanese designers.
3. Link my blog, portfolio website and twitter and Join communities.
4. Fix up my last couple of half finished posts.
5. Practice more Yoga and meditation (mini goal: Be able to touch the ground with the palms of my hand while standing with legs straight by end of year.)

Long Term goal: Take the test to Join the Japanese Association of Landscape Architects. I'm estimating this will require about another 3 years study and design experience.

Basically up until now this blog has just been a basic record of my improvements in Japanese. It is time to change course a bit and integrate my Interests in Design, Language, Technology etc together so I can grow some new ideas.

So the new direction has been set and I'm excited about all the possibilities that lay ahead!